Třída 8. A

Třídní učitel/ka: Mgr. Helena Šilhánková

Aktuálně ve třídě

6th February


1) Read about a famous British chef Jamie Oliver, Book pg. 44.

2) In Canva create an infographic about a famous Czech chef. You must include, if possible, their early childhood, their teenage years, college education, work experience, challenges, success, and work for charity.

3) Do not copy and paste. 

4) Save your work. 


Mrs Stibalova

29th February

:Do the following tasks. You!ll need headphones for some of them:  (You can aslo do your homework for next week.)




Listening activity: https://www.esl-lab.com/easy/pie-restaurant/ and this ex. https://www.esl-lab.com/quizzes/pierestaurant-cloze.htm

Revise vocabulary from last year: 1) https://wordwall.net/resource/54774420 , 2) https://wordwall.net/resource/55171246 a 3) https://wordwall.net/resource/55171246

Still have time? Do ex. 6, p. 15 in your Workbook. 



February 21


Do sešitu - napište otázky na slovíčka v závorce a přijďte je ukázat: https://wordwall.net/resource/68707074

28th November

1) Learn new vocabulary here: https://wordwall.net/resource/64621282

2) Pick up a picture from your teacher, fill in the words and glue it in your exercise book. 

3) Find somebody to form a pair with. The teacher will tell you what to do. Record the interview. 

4) Pick up a grammar ex. from the teacher. Fill it in, have it checked by your teacher and glue it in your exercise book. 

5) Find a pair, ask the teacher what to do next. 

6) Revise for tomorrow here - https://wordwall.net/resource/64630258

22nd November

Listen to the recording and fill in the chart. 


Prezentace - Tasmánie


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